Molekulare Pflanzenzüchtung

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- Wallbraun M, Liesebach H, Meier-Dinkel A, Janßen A, Hutter I, Schneider C, Merkle S (2016): Erarbeitung biotechnologischer Methoden zur Identifizierung, Erhaltung, Vermehrung und Nutzung selektierter Riegelahorn-Bäume für die Wertholzproduktion (Riegelahorn). In: Innovationstage 2016: Die Zukunft ins Jetzt holen ; 15. bis 26. Oktober in Bonn. Bonn: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, pp 44-46
- Naujoks, G.; Ewald, D.; Meier-Dinkel, A.; Wallbraun, M. (2013): Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung beim Riegelahorn. AFZ/Der Wald, 68. Jg., 5, 10-13
- Wallbraun M, Sonntag K, Eisenhauer C, Krzcal G, Wang YP (2009): Phosphomannose-isomerase (pmi) gene as a selectable marker for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of rapeseed. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 99(3): 345-361
- Roque E, Gomez MD, Ellul P, Wallbraun M, Madueno F, Beltrán JP, Canas LA (2007): The PsEND1 promoter: a novel tool to produce genetically engineered male-sterile plants by early anther ablation. Plant Cell Rep 26(3): 313-325
- Sonntag K, Wang Y, Wallbraun M (2004): A transformation method for obtaining marker-free plants based on phosphomannose-isomerase. Proceedings International Conference of Baltic States Plant Tissue Culture: From theory to practice
- Seifert B, Zhou Z, Wallbraun M, Lohaus G, Möllers C (2004): Expression of a bacterial asparagine synthetase gene in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and its effect on traits related to nitrogen efficiency. Physiologia Plantarum 121(4): 656-665
- Wallbraun M, Eisenhauer E, Zwiebel M, Krczal G (2003): Effect of the MAR chicken lysozme A element on the expression of the endochitinase gene from Trichoderma harzianum in Brassica napus. Proceedings 11th International Rapeseed Congress Vol.1: 129-131
- Husted S, Mattsson M, Möllers C, Wallbraun M, Schjoerring JK (2002): Photorespiratory NH4+ Production in Leaves of Wild-Type and Glutamine Synthetase 2 Antisense Oilseed Rape. Plant Physiol. 130: 989-998
- Tang H, Ren Z, Wallbraun M, Reustle G, Krczal G (2001): Regeneration of transgenic plants from walnut somatic embryos mediated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 544:201-205
- Seiffert B, Ecke W, Lohaus G, Wallbraun M, Zhou Z, Möllers C: Strategies for the investigation of N-efficiency in oilseed rape. In: Gissel-Nielsen, G. and Jensen, A. (Hrsg.): Plant-Nutrition - Molecular Biology and Genetics. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, S. 425-432.